Chuck Norris med några bekanta namn?? :D

Leon Pers once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now the Islands.

Lisa Mattola has counted to infinity - twice.

Sofia Göstas
can delete the recycling bin.

Maja Engberg puts the 'laughter' in 'manslaughter'

Sandra Nordness owns the greatest poker face of all-time. It helped her win the 2008 World Series of poker despite her holding just a joker, a get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.

If it looks like chicken, tastes like chicken and feels like chicken and Amanda Wester says it's beef, then it's fucking beef!

Johanna Eriksson doesn't read books. She stares at them until she gets the information she wants.

Death once had a near-Erika-Witasp experience.

Caroline Wallin once had a heart-attack; her heart lost.

Malin Svensson sleeps with a night-light. Not because Malin is afraid of the dark, but because the darkness is afraid of Malin Svensson!

M.C. Hammer learned the hard way that Martina Bengtsson CAN touch this.

When Jenny Ekberg looks in the mirror, the mirror shatteres, because not even glass is stupid enough to get between Jenny Ekberg and Jenny Ekberg.

Tove Landström
doesn't cheat death. She wins fair and square.

When god said "Let there be light!", Josefin Eriksson said "Say please."

Ellinor Rydberg Doesn't use pickup-lines. She just simply says "Now."

Caroline Kajh doesn't know where you live, but she knows where you'll die!

Julia Eriksson can drown a fish.

A handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Annelie Kajs and that you will become hanicapped if you park there.

Postat av: jenny ! :D

hahaha king ;D

2009-09-22 @ 17:27:15

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